IT Asset Disposition Services

Finding Residual Worth

Whether you need a single job executed quickly or you are looking for a one-stop-shop for your nationwide IT asset disposition (ITAD) service needs, we have you covered. Since 2011, our team has been providing asset inventory, data destruction, remarketing, repair, and decommissioning of obsolete or unneeded equipment. Think of us as an extension of your IT team. One with award-winning customer support.

We perform all our IT asset disposition in accordance with the strict policies and procedures of our R2 (Responsible Recycling) certification. Our priority is providing you with secure, compliant, and environmentally responsible services. In addition, you can be proud that the business we do together has a profound social impact, including creating jobs for people facing systemic barriers to employment.

Request ITAD service today  for a free consultation and risk assessment of your organization’s needs.


Case Summary

We perform ITAD services for a $20B+ healthcare company with facilities all over the country. Our project managers travel to each location to asset tag and inventory all equipment - typically 250 to 1,000 devices at a time. While there we remove and shred all hard drives, matching their serial number to that of their parent device. After reconciling the inventory with the client we ship the assets back to our processing facility. Upon receipt, we refurbish and remarket as many of the assets as possible, sharing the proceeds back with the client. In many cases these rebates exceed all applicable service charges.
Rebates exceeded charges
Homeboy Electronics Recycling:Homeboy Electronics Recycling: R2 Responsible Recycling CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-14001 CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-18001 CertifiedHomeboy Electronics Recycling: ISO-18001 Certified